Speakers of the MindLINK Academy
Our expert speakers have many years of experience in health and prevention. With pleasure they pass on their practical knowledge and experiences.
Here, our speakers also pay particular attention to the fact that your individual concerns are considered and you can take with you valuable impulses for a successful work in your daily practice. In the MindLINK® Academy, we rely on a sparkling mix of long-standing, successful and well-known speakers, as well as "new" and young speakers, who contribute their experience to the MindLINK® Academy.
Our list of speakers is currently being updated and will be available to you shortly.

Vita Berger
- born 1962, 20 years experience in kinesiology
- Education in the USA / Luisa L. Williams, AANK in San Anselmo (CA).
- 10 years Managing Director MindLINK® company in Munich
- One and a half years training as naturopathic therapost and coach / Paracelsus School in Munich
- Content co-development of the SkaSYNC and MindLINK software systems for diagnosis and therapy for emotional and biofunctional blockages.
- Teaching workshops and trainings since 2005: Armlength reflex test according to Raphael van Assche and application of the MindLINK software modules: myEmo TEST®, PrevenTEST®, myMENU TEST® and SkaSYS and Skasync in Geramany and abroad (Holland, England, Italy, Switzerland, Austria and the USA).
- Training of appr. 250 doctors, therapists and coaches in the application of the Armlength reflex test and the various software systems in German, English and Italian language.
- Lectures (e.g. at the University of Vienna, Biomed in Ancona, GAMED Vienna) and product presentations in Geramany and abroad
- Various publications on the use and application of the MindLINK software modules
- 2011 Cerebral hemorrhage with hemiplegia on the left
- 2012 Lecture at the Holisticum of the MindLINK® company in Munich
- 2013 Resumption of the test activity and teaching of workshops - Armlength reflex test and MindLINK software systems, technical handling and application as well as product presentations and research.

Dr. Johann Lechner PhD-UCN
- born in 1949, married, 2 children
- Dentistry studies in Munich.
- Active as dentist in Munich since 1980, specializing in Holistic Dentistry
- Multi-year board member in the DAH (German Association for Herd and Regulation Research) and in the GZM (International Society for Holistic Dentistry)
- 35 Years lecture and seminar activities in Europe and overseas
- So far Dr. med. J. Lechner published 10 books and numerous articles
- 1996 Introduction of the ACCU-Liner® system in Germany
- 1998 Introduction of zirconium oxide CAD / CAM technology in Germany
- 2002 Awarded with the Austrian Medical Diploma for Holistic Dentistry
- 2002 Guest Lecturer at the Capital University of Washington, DC
- 2003 GZM Research Award
- 2003 Appointed to teach at Danube University Krems, Austria
- 2004 Authorization to practice medicine as a naturopathic doctor
- 2005 Foundation of FocoDent (www.focodent.de)
- 2008 Granting of a patent for the contactless transmission of information, as the basis of the MindLINK® software test systems

Dr. Katrin Huesker
- 1996 - 2001 Biology studies in Freiburg and Heidelberg
- 2001 - 2005 Doctoral thesis, University of Freiburg
- 2006 - 2008 Research at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm
- since 2008 research associate at the Institute of Medical Diagnostics Berlin
Practice Areas:
- Immune toxicology
- Metal and mineral analysis using ICP-MS
- Neuro-Immunology Endocrinology

Dr. med. Uwe Rudolf Max Reuter
- Director / Chief Medical Officer of the clinic im LEBEN
Finished his medical studies at the University of Greifswald in 1986 with a Ph.D. med. As a homeopathic doctor, he has been head of training since 1993 and later section head of homeopathy at the Academy for Continuing Medical Education in Thuringia. - Since 1999, he has been eligible for further education in the fields of homeopathy, natural remedies and special pain therapy.
Since 1996 he has workes as algesiologist / DGS and is recognized pain therapist of KV, head of the Regional Pain Center Greiz / Vogtland of the German Society for Pain Medicine. Multiple additional qualifications in the fields of acupuncture & releated techniques, chirotherapy / manual medicine, neural therapy and palliative care were acquired. - Today he works as a medical director / senior chief physician as well as managing director of the clinic and practice im LEBEN, the Academy im LEBEN for Holistic Medicine, the Institute for Innovative Medicine, Research and Communication and the Medical Care Center MVZ Gartenweg in Greiz im Vogtland.
- In the field of natural biological medicine he brings in addition to proven natural healing and innovative methods of energy and information medicine such as quantum medicine, kinesiology, physioenergetics, psychoenergetic medicine and solving unconscious disorders by Neuro language in chronic diseases and cancer. He also carries out research in the field of biological cancer medicine, energy, consciousness, the scalar waves and their use in the human biosystem and the continuation of the procaine-base therapy inaugurated by him.
- He is a founding member of the Global Energy Parliament (GEP) in Germany and Commissioner and in the Committee on Integrative Medicine.
He is a textbook author and author of various articles and papers..
Dr. Reuter is instructor of the training "Integrative Biological Cancer Medicine" and speaker at various societies, institutions and institutes, as well as guest lecturer at universities.

Daniela Wochinger
- Since 2003 working as a personality trainer in individual sessions, seminars and trainings
- Further education in identity-oriented psychotrauma therapy with Prof. Dr. med. Franz Ruppert
- In 2008, Ms. Wochinger founded the Integra-Coching® brand and since then she is head of the Center for Personality Development and Trauma Coaching in Sachsenkam, near Bad Tölz - at www.integra-coaching.de